When using pyarrow from example code in github the response is an "Unavailable" error.
Example code
Error Message
"OSError: gRPC returned unavailable error, with message: failed to connect to all addresses. Detail: Unavailable"
Applies To
- Dremio Cloud
- Arrow Flight
The user may try the example and see an error message. And, running the following test (from MacOS) shows the endpoint is up and listening on port 443:
% nc -vz data.dremio.cloud 443
Connection to data.dremio.cloud port 443 [tcp/https] succeeded!
This is typically caused by missing a parameter in the command such as '-port 443' or '-tls' -- both of these params are required. The following example is missing the port and will result in an error.
% python3 example.py -query 'SELECT 1' -host data.dremio.cloud -tls -pat [mypat]
Add all required params to the python command. The following has both the port and tls.
% python3 example.py -query 'SELECT 1' -host data.dremio.cloud -port 443 -tls -pat [mypat]