The disk will fill up on zookeeper pods as the logs and snapshots never purge.
Applies To
All versions of the helm chart that are still using the older k8s.gcr.io/kubernetes-zookeeper zookeeper image, which you can find out by running the following on your deployment (change -n to match the namespace where you have deployed dremio).
kubectl get pod -n default zk-0 -o yaml | grep image
The docker version of zookeeper we were using had a typo for the purge interval, disabling purge permanently. Which you can see here or by running the following command with docker installed
dremio_v2 (master) ✗ docker run -it k8s.gcr.io/kubernetes-zookeeper:1.0-3.4.10 grep purge\.purge ./usr/bin/start-zookeeper
echo "autopurge.purgeInteval=$PURGE_INTERVAL" >> $CONFIG_FILE
As you can see, Interval is misspelled as Inteval, and therefore, the configuration file is never correctly set.
To get things up and running you can exec onto the zookeeper pods and run
/bin/zkCleanup.sh -n 3
The -n is basically the number of log files to retain.
To fix this, the easiest approach is to upgrade the helm chart from the source by running the following command where you checked the source out:
git pull origin master
Then update the values.yaml file under the zookeeper tag to look like the following:
# Zookeeper
# The Zookeeper image used in the cluster.
imageTag: 3.8.0
Then run the following, changing my-release to match the release name of your release
helm upgrade -n default my-release .
After the upgrade has taken you should see the newer version of zookeeper on your pods
kubectl get pod -n default zk-0 -o yaml | grep image
image: zookeeper:3.8.0
imagePullPolicy: Always
image: docker.io/library/zookeeper:3.8.0
For those who cannot easily upgrade the helm chart
However, as many people have forked the helm chart, updating to the latest helm chart may be time-consuming. It is possible just to update just the YAML for Zookeeper.
Navigate to where you have the chart and cd into the templates folder
dremio-cloud-tools (master) ✗ cd charts/dremio_v2/templates
Then use curl to download a more recent version of the zookeeper yaml
curl -o zookeeper.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dremio/dremio-cloud-tools/master/charts/dremio_v2/templates/zookeeper.yaml
Now cd back up to where you have your helm chart checked out and run helm upgrade with the new zookeeper values passed in
cd ../
helm upgrade -n default my-release . --set zookeeper.image=zookeeper --set zookeeper.imageTag=3.8.0
After the upgrade has taken you should see the newer version of zookeeper on your pods
kubectl get pod -n default zk-0 -o yaml | grep image
image: zookeeper:3.8.0
imagePullPolicy: Always
image: docker.io/library/zookeeper:3.8.0