Dremio is now hosting images on quay.io, this document provides the steps to validate the ability to download from quay.io and how to imoliment this into your helm charts.
Applies To
Kubernetes deployments.
Q: How do I pull an image from Quay.io
A: Log in from the command line:
$ docker login quay.io
Note: If you go to your Quay account settings you can create an encrypted password for more security.
$ docker login quay.io
Username: myusername
Password: mypassword
As a test, pull the desired image:
$ docker run -d -p9047:9047 -p31010:31010 -p32010:32010 --platform=linux/amd64 quay.io/dremio/dremio-ee:24.3.0
(Use the --platform option when testing on Apple silicon.)
Q: How do I use quay.io in my helm charts?
A: You need to update values.yaml to reflect the following changes and make sure you have your credentials stored in a k8’s secret
In your helm chart (values.yaml) update the "image" tag and uncomment "imagePullSecrets" as demonstrated in the below example. Here's we're creating a secret with the tag "dremio-image-secret":
# Using the image tag latest or in the form X.Y
# will potentially cause Dremio to upgrade versions
# automatically during redeployments and may negatively impact
# the cluster.
image: quay.io/dremio/dremio-ee
imageTag: 24.2.5
# For private and protected docker image repository, you should store
# the credentials in a kubernetes secret and provide the secret name
# here. For more information, see
# https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/
- dremio-image-secret
Then create the associated secret to meet that name specified in values.yaml.
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry dremio-image-secret \
--docker-server=quay.io \
--docker-username=<your quay id> \
--docker-password="<your password>" \
--docker-email=<your email address>