When trying to run collections with DDC you may see all notes fail with an error that looks like the following in the console
10. node dremio-executor-1 - elapsed 4 secs - status FAILURE -
(COPY DDC TO HOST) (cmd '/usr/local/bin/kubectl
cp -n default -c dremio-executor --retries 50
ddcex-output-99999999/ddc dremio-executor-1:/tmp/ddc-2024090010101/ddc'
failed: 'exit status 1') Error: unknown flag: --retries
The console should also display the following value
Collection Type : Kubectl
Applies To
All versions of DDC
This is because the version of kubectl is very out of date and predates the release of the --retries flag, DDC will try and add the retries flag to cope with networks and hosts that are under stress.
In versions of DDC 3.0 and greater one can add the -d flag to the command and this will bypass the use of kubectl:
-d, --disable-kubectl uses the embedded k8s api client and
skips the use of kubectl for transfers and copying
So if the previous command was
ddc -n default
the following command will avoid the use of kubectl
ddc -n default -d
now instead of colletion type Kubectl it should change to the following
Collection Type : Kube API
Upgrade the kubectl client to a more recent version (anything in the last 3 years)