How to fully remove old AWSE instances from AWS.
Reported Issue
Old deleted/ unused AWSE instances remain visible in the AWS CFT console.
When deleting old AWSE instances, you may find in the CloudFormation console that your stack doesn't fully delete. This is because by default the EFS volume which contains the Project data is preserved. This guide details how to fully clear down your cluster
Relevant Versions Tools and Integrations
All Dremio AWSE clusters
Steps to Resolve
To full delete your cluster, complete the following steps:
1. Find your stack in the CloudFormation console
2. Select the EC2SecurityGroup, this will open in a new tab. Attempt to delete the SecurityGroup (you will need to go into the specific security group (SG) in the AWS console to get the option. A pop-up will alert you that NIC(s) are associated with that SG)
3. Click on the Network Interface hyperlink, this will open the Network Interfaces console in a new tab. If you scroll to the right and find the Description, this will give you the EFS volume reference for your Project volume
4. Open the EFS console and find your volume. Delete this volume.
5. If you switch back to the CloudFormation console, you should now be able to delete your stack. Alternatively, as you close out the tabs in reverse order delete the outstanding object from your cluster in that tab, you will find it can now be deleted (the CloudFormation delete is doing the same thing).
The key thing here is to be sure you have your EFS volume correct.....