This document outlines the ticket access permissions within Zendesk, and options available to our customers if, within their organisation they want tickets to be visable only to the users who logged them or to all within the same organisation.
Reported Issue
Generally customers want to be able to see each others tickets and be able to update them, in case someone is away on unexpected leave or even planned leave.
This article explains the permissions available to customer accounts within the support portal. The support portal itself is backed by Zendesk, and allows a few customisations to how each user can interact with tickets submitted by themselves and colleagues within the same organisation.
Relevant Versions Tools and Integrations
This document is specific to Zendesk.
Steps to Resolve
Access level diagram from Zendesk.
The default setting is that users can only view and edit their own tickets.
Next Steps
If you would like these settings changed, please raise as support ticket to discuss further or indicate which settings your organisation would prefer.