This article provides a link to a shell script to automate the capture of a KV Store Summary Report.
On occasion , as part of the troubleshooting process , Dremio Support may request a `KV Store` ( aka RocksDB ) Summary report. This article aims to make this action easier by providing access to a Unix shell script that will collect the report.
Relevant Versions Tools and Integrations
All currently supported Dremio versions.
Steps to Resolve
Download and run the attached shell script .
The script will prompt for a user and password , a personal access token can also be used.
Note this should be a Dremio admin user. Default values are shown in the square brackets.
You will then be prompted for the Dremio URL - please be sure to include the port number . Finally, a filename to which to save the output is requested. Once complete you will see the response `HTTP Response code: 200`.
Please then attach the resulting file to the Dremio Support Ticket .
Additional Resources